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Report By:  Dr. June Wehr

Date:  April 2, 2024

Many people have notice a 5G+ on their AT&T phones instead of 5G. This is because the system is advancing its frequencies as AI is taking over. See the press release by AT&T

AT&T delivers three flavors of 5G to our customers to give them unique experiences, faster speeds and capacity to do more of the things they like on America's Most Reliable 5G Network1.

  • AT&T 5G using low-band spectrum reaches 295 million people in more than 24,500 cities and towns in the U.S.
  • AT&T 5G+ using mid-band spectrum is available nationwide, covering more than 210 million people. This spectrum sits between our other two bands and provides a great combination of ultra-fast speeds and wide geographic coverage. 
  • AT&T 5G+ using high-band spectrum delivers super-fast speeds and unprecedented performances in high traffic areas including parts of more than 50 cities and more than 80 large-scale venues and airports.

5G+ is faster and more responsive for the most demanding apps and services, from gaming to streaming to video conferencing. As developers and creators invent amazing new online apps and services, 5G+ will make it all feel near seamless anywhere you go. Take a look at some of the places where you can get this turbo-charged coverage!


We are actually witnessing advertisements now of 10G. Hope this helps your family to understand the advancement of cell phone technology. To learn more about the dangers of 5G click here. 

See Deborah Tavares video about 5G

See PDF attached of MAP of 5G Globally

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