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Report By: Sister D

Date:  September 6, 2024

Have we considered that these prior "Facebook posts" they mention by this "boy", if it is a boy, could be inhibited by the gov. - and in the future the same type to frame Christians or gun owners, of crimes. using such posts as "evidence"?

But All could be created by government sources or AI finding likely suspects through social media, to apply charges to based them being "unstable"individuals. That long hair could easily be a convenient candidate for Secret Service to create a "stunt double" or "body double" of if you are catching my drift.

Was that boy actually absent from school that day, so a body double sent in to perpetrate a crime- False-flag style? Not claiming anything, just considering ALL possibilities. ITS ALL THEATRE!

Now, Gun control false-flag maybe? They have been wanting to outlaw that particular self-defense item for a long time now and they need a new problem/reaction/solution EVENT during this election year. Not saying that's the case here, BUT I clearly see the motive and opportunity/potential. All they need is the proper masonic people in right place to pull it off.

Sheriff/ school system/Board of Education leader, Coroner reports. etc. As with so many of these cases, the perpetrator was "new to the area"; as well as the victims. Again, not claiming this is the case here, but I did live in that county of Georgia at one time and it is a very backwards-type area with lots of Corruption.

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