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Report By: Dr. June Wehr

Date:  May 27, 2024

President Trump gave a speech at the Libertarian Conference yesterday with the words BECOME UNGOVERNABLE behind him. It also had a bird swinging sideways with three wings. This is significant. 

The media is blowing it up that he was "booed" while giving his speech. However, I want us to focus on what really happened at that convention. 

1. The Logo is Significant!

We have studied logos long enough to know there is a connection to two things so far just looking at the background - 1. Yellow and Black is UN Colors connection 2. The UN at the beginning. Look at the other things that has happened with UN at the beginning...

The logo has a terrible font which provides the feeling of anarchy. When you notice the A with the 0 around it, then you realize it is the anarchy symbol. It's chaotic.

It is angry birds vibe.

Then you notice the bird that is slanted sideways. This is for a couple of reasons. 1. Represents LGBTQ (not straight) 2. Has 3 wings - represents antichrist number and freedom farce agenda. I'll post all pictures related to this logo on bottom of this page. The Freedom House Logo, America First, Trump's Faith Coalition, etc. It's all F - Freedom - FREE EDOM. Antichrist in nature. We also noticed the bird going down the chute in the GETTR logo.

Much less the UN in front of the word - takes us back to the last seven years with that acronym. Take UN off and see what is left and that is the agenda. UN - silent. (Gay agenda of YOU WILL NOT SILENT US - and now the United Nations is using that in their video revealing the Beast I am.) Also with silent look at Taylor Swift telling Christians to be quiet (shhh) in her video. Then look at the UN in UN - canceled at the CPAC. CPAC is such a farce! They are canceling true conservatism! I could write a book on this subject. Notice the Hitler symbol they did on the floor? Crazy!

Yes, this is a UN agenda!

a To-Get-HER Campaign

2. Rick Grenell Helped to Organize a Libertarian Event!

I was wondering why they announced him as a leader of the event. Then I discovered that in the end an LGBTQ candidate won!

Here is article title - Chase Oliver Is the Libertarian Party's Presidential Pick
After a highly contentious convention, Oliver won the nomination on the seventh ballot.

Oliver, a 38-year-old gay man from Atlanta with socially tolerant and pro-immigration views, delivered apassionate response after Trump's speech to the convention on Saturday. Now, he will get to spend the next six months competing directly against Trump and President Joe Biden, two men more than twice his age. After winning on Sunday, Oliver promised to keep pressing a message that neither major-party candidate is likely to offer.

"I will continue to bring a hopeful and positive message of liberty to both those who consider themselves libertarian and those who don't know they are libertarian yet," Oliver promised in his victory speech.

I realize now this was a setup, not an election. They wanted a gay man over the Libertarian Party - the most constitutional-minded party. It's just total corruption. This Grenell character is Trump's right hand man who was on his cabinet and still works with him! He's closely affiliated with the Log Cabin Republicans.

The whole thing was a farce.

See Trump's Speech:

See RFK Jr's Speech

1 Comment

MsRhuby about 1 month ago

Reminds me of a Song!

Beds Are Burning - Midnight Oil

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