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JUNE 9, 2021 - Tieing it all together. Giants & The UN/Trump/Bible Museum/NAR Connection - N**h*de

There is so much in these videos that resemble:

  • The Bible Museum's Washington Bible Ride where they take you on a virtual ride throught the city. I've told you how the BM does not recognize Jesus as the savior and how the building is shaped like an ark and the two pillars on the doors like the ten commandments.
  • President Trump's Garden of Heroes
  • NAR's superhero complex and the Marvel movies.
  • The. Burning man Festival and the statue image


1 Comment

Patiently Waiting about 3 years ago

That thing creeps me out in every way. But, I do love that you can relate to me without knowing me. Are we? Crazy? Cause my family thinks so too.

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