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Our country experienced a once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon yesterday - the solar eclipse. We heard many warnings and much propaganda on YouTube to instill fear in God's people. I can admit it even tried to hit my heart as well. Many of the predictions were true however! We cannot deny all the anomalies of the day.

I read an article titled A MOMENT OF UNITY: IN SPACE AS IT IS IN EARTH. This struck me because Elon Musk has been changing to social media landscape to say things such as:

Ever since he took over Twitter, he has set a clear boundary of Earth and outer space. He often talks about taking humans to Mars. The reason I'm telling you this is because the article I read this morning reminded me of their goal to make digital twins of everyone on Earth and put them in the Metaverse. The want as space as it is in earth. You can equate the Metaverse with space. It's another dimension.

This article about the moment of unity reminded me of Project Blue Beam (Now called Project Blue Book) - where they want to bring a fake UFO attack to the earth and make it look like the Christians were taken or raptured. This is a military endeavor. They want to unify the Earth in order to bring about the one world order. This article brought out a good point. Everyone dropped differences yesterday and found a unifying purpose - the solar eclipse. Imagine if we saw spaceships in the air how quick that would unify people who were not aware of their purposes. 

The writer of this article states,

"Maybe it takes an extraterrestrial event to bring this shredded country together. For a phenomenon that traversed the country from the contentious southern border to the far reaches of New England, Monday’s eclipse attracted remarkably few conspiracy theories or accusations."

Can you imagine how much it would take for the world to cross over into worship of the Beast?

Facts about 2024 Solar Eclipse:

Other Facts to Consider:


Devil's Comet Info

See Whole Eclipse

Be sober and alert Bride. I am hearing reports today about people getting sick and equating it with the eclipse. Here are a few stories about it:

On Reddit:

Can eclipses make you physically sick?

I saw people on twitter claiming that the upcoming eclipse is making them feel sick because their bodies are purging all the negative energy? Some have headaches, fevers, colds, random joint pains etc. I have been sick myself (which i never get) so I do find this correlation very interesting!

We know after talking and praying with Pamela Shuffert the other night that people were prophesying about chemicals being released into the air on April 8th and warning us. So, could this be the beginning of the next Pandemic?



We also know about the Deagel Report as well! Thank God we did the prayer meeting yesterday morning! Let's make it ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN! CLICK ON PICTURE TO GO TO LINK OR HERE.

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