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Dr. June is replaying the sermon she did in October 2022. This is very relevant to our situation today!




  1. harmony or accordance in opinion or feeling; a position or result of agreeing.
    "the two officers nodded in agreement"
    accord, concurrence, consensus, harmony, accordance, unity, unison, concord, like-mindedness, rapport, sympathy, assent, acceptance, consent, acquiescence, endorsement, confirmation, contract, compact, treaty, covenant, pact, deal, bargain, settlement, concordat, protocol, entente, arrangement, understanding, pledge, promise, bond,
    • negotiated and typically legally binding arrangement between parties as to a course of action.
      plural nounagreements
      "a trade agreement"
    • the absence of incompatibility between two things; consistency.
      "agreement between experimental observations and theory"

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