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Dr. June interviewed the COMMON CORE DIVA in 2020 and has the opportunity to hear from here again in 2024 to find out the latest of what's happening in our education system!  Here are the questions Dr. June asked:

Questions for Interview with Lynne Taylor - Common Core Diva

    1. Please tell audience how you became known as “Common Core Diva” and your mission
    2. I noticed on your website an article you wrote back in 2015 that is titled, “FTF: “Human Capital”: The ‘new’ name for Citizens.  We are aware of the United Nations Agenda for the Circular Economy - which is the HUMAN CENTERED DESIGN. This is based on the humans receiving a jab and gathering info from them in this new frontier. So…
      1. Can you please elaborate on what that is and why should we be alarmed? 
      2. Have you seen it escalate since then into something else?
    3. Also on your website you talk about what is happening in the schools with health care and our children. Your website states, “Also released on the same day, from CMS was the news that $50 million dollars in the form of grants would become available for school based mental and behavioral services. These services directly involve Medicaid funding the schools receive. These services are not based on need as much as ‘universal screening’. This means your student may not even have a mental health or behavioral health problem and still be subjected to this formative, invasive assessments. Why? To back up the ‘whole child wrap around services’. Under ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) schools were turned into quasi-hospitals. This meant (and still means) that each school QUALIFIES as a federally recognized health care center!
      1. What is going on with this? Please elaborate
    4. As you state on your website about a new Teaching legislation, please explain Meet The Crucial Communism Teaching Act of 2023
  • What is going on with the Noahide Laws and education? Any new developments?
  • Do you know about Desantis & New College is Florida taking President Trump’s 1776 Commission Report and redoing educational materials based on it?
  • This group was antichrist in nature, globalists, etc., and put in place to rewrite the constitution which will be on full display in 2026. What are they doing with this new material?
  • What do you know about what’s coming in with a new Trump administration and his educational choice he wants people to make?
  • What else do you want our Christian audience to know about what’s going on in our public school system - or even any school system?


Lynne M Taylor, aka Common Core Diva:

From 2002 to current: featured speaker at small meetings and large conferences. Multimedia interviews are frequent, as well.
Since 2009 to current: Lynne has served as a frequent guest on nationwide radio and multimedia shows based out of a dozen States (so far). Listener reach has been nation-wide as well as internationally.
Helped co-establish PIE NC (Preserving Integrity and Excellence in Education for NC) circa 2012 (now defunct)
 She is a retired private teacher (2015)
Other  activities: education liaison for Protecting Innocence Campaign (based in OH), wife and mom. Lynne was also an adviser to the former national grassroots campaign "Child Abuse in the Classroom", where it was the belief that "Repealing ESSA (Every Student Succeeds Act) and Restoring FERPA (Family Education Rights to Privacy Act)" were the best ways to help restore were the best ways to help restore our nation's education system.
  Lynne has been awarded the 2011 Distinguished Educator from the National Society of High School Scholars,as well as  the 2016 L&B Network's Torchbearer Award for educational advocacy. 
Lynne has appeared several times before the NC General Assembly in efforts to preserve freedom in education.
Lynne has written researched articles for "Prevent Common Core"  and  the Patriot Institute.
Lynne is a full-time education researcher, writer, and, blogger.(
She has also written for Practical Homeschooling magazine on the dangers of Common Core (aka: College/Career Readiness) in home education.
Lynne also is a frequent guest of Living in the Solution broadcast hosted by Dr. Elaina George on Liberty Talk FM, as well as the Book of Ours independent media, as well as is a former weekly media guest for The Sons of Liberty Media Morning Show.
Lynne can also be found as a featured guest on several independent media outlets.
(check my blog for the video archives)
Lynne also has a channel (Common Core Diva) on BNJ TV Network.
(BNJ TV is a subscription based Network. Visit to subscribe)

In 2023, Lynne became a quasi-regular guest on the Hrvoje Moric Show as well
as the podcast "The Reason We Learn".
Finally, Lynne has been recognized by her peers as an expert in Common Core, Career Tech Education, Career Pathways, workforce and competency based education reform, social emotional learning (child abuse) STEM/STEAM/STREAM from the UN, and federal overreaches into education and our families.

Contact information:
Facebook: U.S.Parent Call to Action
                  Common Core Diva
Twitter/X: @commoncorediva

Roku: Breaking News Journal, Common Core Diva Channel
Local Activist (part of Citizens for Free Speech): Lynne M Taylor
email: info@commoncorediva 

I am available for conferences, seminars, public speaking, and, media interviews.Travel expenses or speaker fees are requested to offset out of pocket expenses


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